5 March 2019

Serving Claim Forms Abroad

The procedure to serve Claim Forms out of jurisdiction varies depending on the country in which the document is to be served. Before you contact any process serving company in the UK, contact the Foreign Process Office at the Royal Courts of Justice details as follows:

Contact Details
Foreign Process Section
Room E16
Royal Courts of Justice

DX 44450 Strand

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7947 778 / 6488 / 6691 / 1741 / 6682
Fax: +44 (0)870 324 0025
Email: foreignprocess.rcj@hmcts.gsi.gov.uk

They will inform you whether you must send the documents to them to arrange service or whether you can use an agent in a particular country. If its the latter please contact Pauline Belt 01937 831290/p.belt@arklineuk.co.uk from www.arklineuk.co.uk and she will be able to arrange service.